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هذا الفيديو يضم كلمة ألقتها زينة أنور، مؤسسة مساواة في أثناء حلقة دراسية وقعت يوم ٧ مارس، ٢٠١٥م بالتعاون مع مركز القانون الإسلامي والشرق الأوسط.
Thematic Areas:
Musawah (‘Equality’ in Arabic), a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family, was launched at a Global Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2009. This opening video documents why equality
Thematic Areas:
Musawah (‘Equality’ in Arabic), a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family, was launched at a Global Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2009. This opening video documents why equality
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Highlights from Musawah’s journey in fighting for justice and equality in the Muslim family, 2009-2015.
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“Wanted: Equality and Justice in the Muslim Family” (edited by Zainah Anwar) is a set of theoretical papers that seeks to understand the genesis of Muslim family law, how it was constructed within the
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The Wheel of Healthy Muslim Families is derived from Musawah’s thematic paper, “Who Provides? Who Cares? Changing Dynamics in Muslim Families.” The wheel is based on key recommendations to families and individuals in order
The thematic paper “Who Provides? Who Cares? Changing Dynamics in Muslim Families” examines economic and parental rights and responsibilities in Muslim families using the holistic Musawah approach, which integrates Islamic teachings, international human rights
Thematic Areas:
‘Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts’ is a global report with stories and findings from the Global Life Stories Project, in which teams from nine countries (Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran,
Thematic Areas:
‘Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts’ is a global report with stories and findings from the Global Life Stories Project, in which teams from nine countries (Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran,
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يأتي هذا البحث نتاج عمل “مجموعة العنف ضد المرأة” التي شكّلتها حركة مساواة في أبريل 2021؛ و”مجموعة العنف ضد المرأة” هي واحدة من ثلاث مجموعات شُكِّلت تحت أنشطة عمل حملة “نحو قوانين أكثر عدالة
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قضايا مواضيعية
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