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Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts

معلومات حول هذا المصدر

‘Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts’ is a global report with stories and findings from the Global Life Stories Project, in which teams from nine countries (Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom) documented 55 Muslim women’s life stories to better understand their experiences with qiwamah and wilayah.

The Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts’ (2016) is available in ENGLISH and ARABIC.

To learn more about the Global Life Stories Project, visit the website, or read more about how the project was conceived on the Background page.


Europe, Latin America-Caribbean, Middle East-North Africa, North America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, United Kingdom
قضايا مواضيعية

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