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In 2016, Musawah began compiling country tables containing an overview of legislative frameworks, available case law, policies, procedures and practices in the 12 principal areas of concern relating to Muslim family laws. Law reforms
In February 2022, Musawah; the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA); The Uganda Association of Female Lawyers (FIDA Uganda); and The Islamic Women’s Initiative for Justice, Law and Peace (IWILAP)
Thematic Areas:
يستند هذا التقرير العالمي حول المساواة في الأسرة المسلمة إلى المعلومات المقدمة من الجماعات المحلية المختلفة، ويوضح ضرورة وإمكانية تحقيق المساواة في قوانين الأسر المسلمة.
Thematic Areas:
In February 2022 – Musawah; the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA); the Uganda Association of Female Lawyers (FIDA Uganda); and the Islamic Women’s Initiative for Justice, Law and Peace
Thematic Areas:
Thematic Areas:
Knowledge Building Brief #1: Shari‘ah, Fiqh, and State Laws: Clarifying the Terms discusses the differences between the concepts of Shari’ah, fiqh (jurisprudence), and Muslim family laws. Efforts towards reform need to recognise that Shari’ah
Thematic Areas:
Knowledge Building Brief #1: Shari‘ah, Fiqh, and State Laws: Clarifying the Terms discusses the differences between the concepts of Shari’ah, fiqh (jurisprudence), and Muslim family laws. Efforts towards reform need to recognise that Shari’ah
Thematic Areas:
Knowledge Building Brief #1: Shari‘ah, Fiqh, and State Laws: Clarifying the Terms discusses the differences between the concepts of Shari’ah, fiqh (jurisprudence), and Muslim family laws. Efforts towards reform need to recognise that Shari’ah
Thematic Areas:
دانشنامه اختصاری ۱#: شریعت، فقه و قوانین حکومتی: تبیین اصطلاحات مرزهای میان برخی از مفاهیم کلیدی مانند شریعت، فقه و قوانین اسلامی چندان واضح بیان نشده است و اغلب باعث خلط مبحث میشود. این
Thematic Areas:
Knowledge Building Brief #2: Muslim Family Laws: What Makes Reform Possible? deals with the fact that reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family laws are divine and thus not open to change.
Thematic Areas:
Knowledge Building Brief #2: Muslim Family Laws: What Makes Reform Possible? deals with the fact that reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family laws are divine and thus not open to change.
Thematic Areas:
Knowledge Building Brief #2: Muslim Family Laws: What Makes Reform Possible? deals with the fact that reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family laws are divine and thus not open to change.
Thematic Areas:
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