Thematic Report On Family Law And Muslim Women’s Rights In Tunisia (2023)

In January 2023, Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Tunisia to
the CEDAW Committee for review during the 84 th session. This report
examines Tunisia’s legal framework and practices that enforce de
jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following

  1. Spousal Inequality
  2. Child Marriage
  3. Marital Rape
  4. Nationality
  5. Inheritance



Middle East-North Africa



Thematic Areas

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العنف ضد المرأة في المجتمعات العربية : الإشكاليات وآفاق التغيير في الفقه والقانون

Country Table – Indonesia

Musawah & Abolish 153 Joint Oral Statement on Kuwait (2017)