VIDEO: Knowledge Building Video #2 : Muslim Family Laws: What Makes Reform Possible? (French subtitles)

Musawah Knowledge Building videos provide you with an accessible understanding of key concepts and ideas related to the Muslim legal tradition and family laws. Reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family laws are divine and thus not open to change. Yet, in reality, change and reform have been inherent to Muslim legal tradition. The second video on “Muslim Family Laws: What Makes Reform Possible?” highlights concepts and tools from Muslim legal tradition that can be used to pave the way for family laws that are more in line with contemporary Muslim realities, justice, and gender equality.



Europe, Latin America-Caribbean, Middle East-North Africa, North America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa


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Country Table – Malaysia

Musawah & Abolish 153 Joint Thematic Report on Kuwait (2017)

Musawah & Sisters in Islam Joint Oral Statement on Malaysia (2018)