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A Feminist Reader’s Guide to ‘Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition’

‘A Feminist Reader’s Guide to Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition’, written by Sofia Rehman, aims to make feminist knowledge derived from the original book more accessible to its readers, regardless of whether they are budding or seasoned feminists. The guide features concise chapter-by-chapter summaries, questions readers can explore, and also ‘tips’ for those who are facilitating reading discussions around the book. The digital version of the guide also allows you to navigate/click through the chapters with ease.

Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition, edited by Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Mulki Al-Sharmani, and Jana Rumminger, is a scholarly text interrogating male authority in Islam. It brings together scholars who seek emancipatory understandings of Islam centered around gender justice, and activists pushing for change on the ground. Click here for more information and how to purchase it.

Sofia Rehman is an independent scholar specialising in Islam and gender. She graduated with a MA in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and awarded a PhD in Islamic studies, hadith and gender from the University of Leeds. She is currently working on her publications and has run regular global online read alongs of key texts on Islam and Gender. You can connect with her on her Instagram @sofia_reading where she talks about all things related to books, faith, and academia.

Need a printable version of the Reader’s Guide, where you can jot down your thoughts and explorations? Download it here



Europe, Latin America-Caribbean, Middle East-North Africa, North America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa


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