Policy Brief 9: Supporting Just and Harmonious Marriages Through Marriage Contracts

‘Policy Brief 9: Supporting Just and Harmonious Marriages Through Marriage Contracts‘ highlights that the Qur’an and Prophetic practice outline ethical and spiritual elements of marriage, while in legal tradition, marriage operates as a contract that establishes a set of default rights and duties for spouses. Moreover it shows that conditions in marriage contracts are consistent […]

Policy Brief 8: Ending Violence Against Women in Families

‘Policy Brief 8: Ending Violence Against Women in Families‘ states the case there is no justification for violence against women in the name of religion. Qur’anic teachings do not condone violence while the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has numerous examples of him treating women and family with kindness and compassion. Meanwhile, countries can take several approaches […]

Policy Brief 7: Marriage as a Partnership of Equals

‘Policy Brief 7: Marriage as a Partnership of Equals’ explores the importance of equality between spouses. It must be embedded in laws, policies, and practices in a way that is consistent with today’s realities. This can and has been done with teachings from the Qur’an, historical practice, and examples of the Prophet (pbuh) treating family […]

Policy Brief 6: ​​Upholding the Best Interests of the Child in Custody and Guardianship

‘Policy Brief 6: ​​Upholding the Best Interests of the Child in Custody and Guardianship’ outlines the case to reform child custody (hadanah) and guardianship (wilayah) provisions in Muslim family laws, which often discriminate against mothers and fail to serve the best interests of the children. Child custody and guardianship provisions in Muslim family laws are […]

Policy Brief 5: Fair and Just Financial Rights Upon Divorce

‘Policy Brief 5: Fair and Just Financial Rights Upon Divorce’ outlines the case to reform financial settlements upon divorce to be more fair and equitable.  Women often face economic challenges when they divorce. While this occurs in most contexts, regardless of religion or national legal regimes, the problem can be particularly pronounced in countries with […]

Policy Brief 4: Equal Divorce Rights in Muslim Family Laws

‘Policy Brief 4: Equal Divorce Rights in Muslim Family Laws’ outlines how divorce provisions in many Muslim family laws are unfair and can be damaging to women and their children—but we can reform those laws. In many Muslim contexts, men and women do not have equal access to divorce. A husband can often divorce simply […]

Policy Brief 3: Ending Polygamy in Muslim Marriages

‘Policy Brief 3: Ending Polygamy in Muslim Marriages’ outlines the case for ending polygamy in Muslim marriages, instead advocating for monogamy as laid out in the Qur’an. Evidence shows that polygamy can be harmful to husbands, wives, and children who are involved in such relationships, as they strain individuals, families, and households, and can contribute […]

Policy Brief 2: Ending Child Marriage in Muslim Family Laws

‘Policy Brief 2: Ending Child Marriage in Muslim Family Laws’ outlines the case for reform to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 for girls and boys. Child marriage—where at least one spouse is under the age of 18—is harmful to children’s health, safety, education, employment, and overall well-being. It perpetuates poverty, violence, and […]

Policy Brief 1: Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now?

‘Policy Brief 1: Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now?’ outlines 10 fundamental facts to make the case for the reform of Muslim Family Laws, especially since resistance to reform is based on religious justifications. Many contemporary Muslim family laws continue to be based on classical fiqh rulings and outdated gender norms, and they reflect […]