A Feminist Reader’s Guide to ‘Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition’

‘A Feminist Reader’s Guide to Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition’, written by Sofia Rehman, aims to make feminist knowledge derived from the original book more accessible to its readers, regardless of whether they are budding or seasoned feminists. The guide features concise chapter-by-chapter summaries, questions readers can explore, and also ‘tips’ […]

Musawah Thematic Report on Turkey (2016)


In July 2016, the Musawah Thematic Report on Turkey was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 64th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. This report examines Turkish laws and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: equal rights & responsibilities in marriage (gender stereotypes); early marriage & polygamy; access to divorce; and violence against women.

Country Table – Turkey

In 2016, Musawah began compiling country tables containing an overview of legislative frameworks, available case law, policies, procedures and practices in the 12 principal areas of concern relating to Muslim family laws. Law reforms in multiple Muslim contexts proves that these laws are based on fiqh and thus not divine or unchangeable, and so must be reformed to address concerns and realities of people living today.

Wheel of Healthy Muslim Families

The Wheel of Healthy Muslim Families is derived from Musawah’s thematic paper, “Who Provides? Who Cares? Changing Dynamics in Muslim Families.” The wheel is based on key recommendations to families and individuals in order to facilitate transformation in marital relationships. It is illustrated as a positive version of the Wheel of Power and Control that […]

حقائق من الداخل: تقرير عالمي عن المساواة في الأسرة المسلمة

جمع “حقائق من الداخل” تقارير مقدمة من منظمات وناشطات على المستوى الوطني من 30 دولة، ليقدم بذلك خلفية معلوماتية عن قوانين الأسرة وممارساتها في تلك البلدان، بما في ذلك تفاصيل أسباب كون المساواة في الأسرة ضرورية والفرص المتاحة لجعل المساواة في الأسرة ممكنة   The ‘Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim […]

Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family

The ‘Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family‘ report, based on information provided by national groups, shows why equality in Muslim family laws is necessary and why it is possible in 30 countries. ‘Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family‘ is available in ENGLISH and ARABIC. Countries […]

VIDEO: Knowledge Building Video #1: Shari’ah, Fiqh and State Laws (French subtitles)

Musawah Knowledge Building videos provide you with an accessible understanding of key concepts and ideas related to the Muslim legal tradition and family laws. The first video on “Shari’ah, Fiqh and State Laws” highlights why it is essential to distinguish between these terms in order to set apart the divine and eternal from the human […]

VIDEO: Men in Charge? A Seminar – Full Welcome Address by Zainah Anwar

This video is the full welcome address made by Zainah Anwar, Musawah Executive Director at the ‘Men in Charge?’ Seminar, on 7 March 2015. Musawah, with the Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and the Study of Religions Unit at the Faculty of […]

VIDEO: The Musawah Journey

Highlights from Musawah’s journey in fighting for justice and equality in the Muslim family, 2009-2015.