Musawah has engaged and intervened in the following countries either through submission of oral statements or joint or independent thematic reports, and/or suggested questions for pre-sessional working groups (PSWG) of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Committee. For selected countries, Musawah has also submitted reports for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. Select a country to view the thematic reports, oral statements and related country documents.
You also may search for these reports through our Resources section.
In July 2013 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Afghanistan was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 55th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. In this report, Musawah takes a critical look at the status of marriage and family relations in Afghanistan, examining closely the governing legal structure and critical issues such as the equality of spouses, their rights and responsibilities, minimum age of marriage, forced marriage, polygamy, divorce, and the custody and guardianship of children.
In February 2012 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Jordan and Algeria was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 51st Session. This report by Musawah takes a critical look at the status of marriage and family relations, as encapsulated in Article 16 of the CEDAW Convention. Algeria and Jordan are two member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that reported to the CEDAW Committee at the 51st Session.
In February 2014 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Bahrain was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 57th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah challenged the ways the government used religion to justify non-compliance.
In November 2018 and July 2013 – Musawah submitted recommendations and suggestions for List of Issues and Questions to the Pre-Sessional Working Group on Bahrain.
In October 2014 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Brunei Darussalam was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 59th Session in Geneva, Switzerland, accompanied by an Oral Statement on Brunei Darussalam. Apart from highlighting key issues under Article 16, Musawah also brought attention to the Syariah Penal Code Order 2013, covered under Article 2.
In September 2021, Musawah and Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (CEWLA) submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Egypt to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 80th session. This report examines Egypt’s legal frameworks and practices in: male guardianship framework (qiwamah and wilayah); marriage; violence against women in the family; child marriage; divorce rights; custody and guardianship of children; and the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In February 2019 – the Musawah Brief Report on child marriage and female genital mutilation/circumcision (FGM/C) was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 72nd Session in Geneva, Switzerland.
In September 2021, Musawah and Rahima submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Indonesia to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 80th session. This report examines Indonesia’s legal framework and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: equality before the law, child and forced marriage, polygamy and unregistered marriages, violence against women, FGM/C, and divorce rights.
In July 2012 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Indonesia was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 52nd Session. In this report, Musawah examines the status of marriage and family relations within the Indonesian context by reviewing the official Indonesian government report to the CEDAW Committee and offering responses to issues and points raised in the review process, as well as recommendations for action. The CEDAW Committee expressed its disappointment with the lack of progress in Indonesia since its last review session. The lack of progress was specifically evident in the way ‘the country continued to allow traditional customs such as female genital mutilation, as well as archaic practices such as stoning and caning, polygamy, child marriages and gender stereotyping’ to continue unabated (UN-NGLS). The Committee’s Concluding observations, particularly in relation to Article 16, were more detailed than usual, specifying areas that needed immediate attention. The Committee’s recommendations included: ‘Repeal, within a clear time frame, all discriminatory laws against women… and repeal, in particular, discriminatory provisions of Marriage Law No. 1/1974.’ (OHCHR)
In November 2019 – Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Iraq to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 74th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. This report examines Iraqi laws and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: discriminatory legal framework, child marriage, forced marriage, temporary marriage, polygamy and violence against women.
In February 2014 – The Musawah Thematic Reports on Iraq was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 57th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah challenged the ways the government used religion to justify non-compliance.
In February 2017 – Musawah submitted the country overview table on Muslim family laws in Jordan to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 66th CEDAW Session.
In February 2012, the combined Musawah Thematic Report on Jordan and Algeria was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 51st Session. This report by Musawah takes a critical look at the status of marriage and family relations, as encapsulated in Article 16 of the CEDAW Convention. Algeria and Jordan are two member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that reported to the CEDAW Committee at the 51st Session.
In October 2017 – Musawah and Advocacy for Women in Peace and Security, Africa (AWAPSA), submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Article 16 for Kenya, to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 68th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The report examines the necessity for codification of the Muslim family law based on equality between men and women, as well as other issues pertaining to access to justice. It also highlights discrimination faced by Kenyan Muslim women in the following areas: male-only positions in the Kadhi Court system, women’s equal capacity to enter into marriage, child and early marriage, polygamy and divorce. The report highlights positive developments in Muslim family laws with examples of good and better practices from other Muslim contexts, based on Musawah’s research and comparative analysis of family laws and practices in 31 countries.
In October 2017 – Musawah and Abolish Article 153, submitted a Joint Report on Article 16 for Kuwait, to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 68th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The report examines Kuwaiti Personal Status Act (KPSA) that enforces discrimination against women in the following areas: equality in marriage, women’s consent and capacity to enter into marriage, child and early marriage, polygamy and divorce rights. The report also specifically highlights issues of gender-based violence in the context of family and discriminatory legal provisions, including Article 153 of the Kuwaiti Penal Code, which effectively gives men regulatory power over their female kin. Additionally the report contains sections on positive developments in Muslim family laws, with examples of good and better practices from other Muslim contexts, based on Musawah’s research and comparative analysis of family laws and practices in 31 countries.
In November 2015 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Lebanon was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 62nd Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The Report highlighted key issues concerning equal rights and responsibilities in marriage, access to divorce, and custody and guardianship of children.
In February 2018 – Musawah and Sisters in Islam submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Malaysia, to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 69th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The report examines Islamic family laws and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against Muslim women in the following areas: early and child marriage; polygamy; divorce; inheritance; child custody and guardianship. The report also specifically addresses concerns regarding the discriminatory legal frameworks of the Islamic family laws and highlights trends in reform of such laws, which perpetuate injustices against Muslim women in Malaysia.
In September 2021, Musawah and Maldivian women’s rights NGO Uthema submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Maldives to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 80th session. The report highlighted key issues such as polygyny, unequal provisions for divorce, a lack of comprehensive legislation for matrimonial property, and a gender bar on the position of marriage solemniser. The report also provided justifications for the removal of all reservations to Article 16.
In June 2020, Musawah and Maldivian women’s rights NGO Uthema submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Maldives to the CEDAW Committee for review. The session was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic; see the updated report submitted for the 80th session review.
In February 2015, the Musawah Thematic Report on the Maldives was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 60th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The Report highlighted key issues such as violence against women, early and forced marriage, polygamy and access to divorce. An Oral Statement on the Maldives was submitted jointly with the women’s NGO Hope for Women.
In July 2016 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Mali was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 64nd Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key issues concerning early, child and forced marriage, polygamy, divorce, violence against women and equality in rights and responsibilities.
In June 2014 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Mauritania was submitted to the CEDAW
Committee for review at its 58th Session in Geneva Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key issues concerning marriage and family relations such as, guardianship, early and forced marriage, equal rights and responsibilities, polygamy, divorce, custody and guardianship of children, and the right to confer nationality to children. The report was accompanied by an Oral Statement on Mauritania and Syria.
In October 2018 – Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Mauritius with substantive inputs from Mauritian family law experts, to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 71st Session. The report examines the lack of a codified legal framework for recognizing and protecting rights in the context of Muslim religious marriages. It also discusses the issues and challenges resulting from the lack of clarity on a legal framework, including marriage registration, polygamy, divorce, survival rights, custody and child marriage. The report was drafted with support from International Human Rights Clinic and Islamic Legal Studies Program: Law and Social Change at Harvard Law School.
In May 2022, Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Morocco with inputs from national advocates to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 82nd session. This report examines Morocco’s legal framework and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: child and forced marriage; guardianship and custody of children; division of property in a marriage; nationality law; and inheritance law.
In October 2018 – Musawah submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Nepal, together with Nepal Muslim Women’s Welfare Society (NMWWS), to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 71st Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Despite the application of civil laws on marriage and divorce, Nepalese Muslims continue to practice marriage customs according to their notions of Islamic law. This report examines the community practices in Nepal that discriminate against Muslim women in the realm of marriage and family, including unregistered marriage, child marriage, unilateral talaq, divorce, and dowry.
In July 2017 – A Thematic Report on Nigeria was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 67th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key Article 16 related issues concerning Muslim family law – including early marriage and polygamy, divorce and violence against women, as well as examples of good and better practices from other Muslim contexts.
In October 2017 – A Thematic Report on Article 16 for Oman was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 68th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The report examines Omani laws and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: Muslim family law based on reciprocity of rights; child and forced marriage; women’s consent and capacity to enter marriage; divorce rights; polygamy; custody and guardianship of children; violence against women; and nationality. The report also contains sections on positive developments in Muslim family laws, with examples of good and better practices from other Muslim contexts, based on Musawah’s research and comparative analysis of family laws and practices in 31 countries.
In October 2011 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Kuwait and Oman was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 50th Session. This report takes a critical look at marriage and family relations in both Kuwait and Oman, members states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). This is Musawah’s first thematic report on Article 16.
In July 2018 – Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Palestine, to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 70th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. This report examines the Muslim family laws/codes and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in Palestinian territories, in the following areas: the application of multiple personal status laws; reciprocity of rights in marriage; women’s consent and capacity to enter marriage; child and forced marriage; divorce rights; polygamy; custody and guardianship of children; women’s financial rights after divorce; and inheritance.
In July 2016 – The Musawah Thematic Report on the Philippines was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 64nd Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key issues concerning equal rights and responsibilities, early and forced marriage, polygamy and divorce, maintenance and child custody
In February 2014 The Musawah Thematic Reports on Qatar was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 57th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah challenged the ways the governments used religion to justify non-compliance.
In February 2018 – Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Saudi Arabia, to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 69th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. This report examines Saudi Arabia’s legal frameworks and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: the guardianship framework; reciprocity of rights in marriage; women’s consent and capacity to enter marriage; child and forced marriage; divorce rights; polygamy; custody and guardianship of children; violence against women; and nationality. The report incorporates substantive inputs by Saudi women’s rights activists and lawyers, who provided information and insights on the contemporary lived realities of Saudi women.
In October 2017 – A Thematic Report for Singapore was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 68th Session in Geneva, Switzerland. The report examines the necessity for a comprehensive reform of the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA) in order guarantee equality for Singaporean Muslim women. It highlights the issues of male-only positions under AMLA, women’s equal capacity to enter into marriage, child and early marriage, polygamy, divorce and inheritance rights. The report also highlights Positive developments in Muslim family laws with examples of good and better practices from other Muslim contexts.
In September 2021, the Muslim Personal Law (MPL) Network, in consultation with Musawah, submitted a Thematic Report on South Africa to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 80th session. This report examines Muslim women’s lived experience of discrimination in South Africa and provides evidence of non-compliance to Articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 15 and 16 of CEDAW.
In September 2021, Musawah, the Islamic Development and Relief Agency (IDRA); and the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) submitted a Joint Thematic Report on South Sudan to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 80th session. This report examines South Sudan’s legal framework and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: delayed codification of family law; child, early, and forced marriage; violence against women and girls; and women’s economic rights.
In February 2017 – During the 66th session on Sri Lanka, a local lobby group Muslim Personal Law Reforms Action Group (MPLRAG) submitted a specific shadow report on Muslim women’s issues related to Article 16 of the CEDAW Convention. Musawah was consulted in the final draft stage of the report which highlighted discriminatory legal provisions of the 1951 Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) and the impacts on Muslim women and girls in Sri Lanka.
In June 2014, during the 58th CEDAW Review Musawah highlighted key issues concerning marriage and family relations in an oral statement on Syria.
In July 2017 – For Thailand, Musawah collaborated with local advocates from PATANI Working Group for Monitoring of International Mechanisms, Thailand (a collective of 12 organizations and networks). The report primarily focused on issues faced by Muslim women in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand. In addition to Article 16 related matters specific to Islamic law applicable to marriages and divorces of Muslims, the report also highlighted gender-based violence and health related issues in the context of conflict faced by religious and ethnic minority women in Southern Border Provinces.
In February 2016 – An Oral Statement on Tanzania was submitted on behalf of Musawah by IWRAW-AP to the CEDAW Committee at its 63rd Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah briefly highlighted polygamy as a key area of discrimination, and challenged the assertion that discriminatory laws and practices created in the name of Islam cannot be reformed.
In October 2022, Musawah, in a coalition with the Child Protection Alliance Gambia, Women’s Association for Victims’ Empowerment Gambia, and Think Young Women Gambia submitted a Joint Thematic Report on the Gambia to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 83rd session. This report examines the Gambia’s legal framework and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: spousal equality, child marriage, violence against women, polygamy, and inheritance.
In July 2015 – The Musawah Thematic Report on the Gambia was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 61st Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key issues concerning marriage and family relations such as, early and forced marriage, equal rights and responsibilities, polygamy, divorce, and the custody and guardianship of children.
In May 2022, Musawah and Havle Women’s Association submitted a Joint Thematic Report on Turkey to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 82nd session.
In 2021, Musawah and Havle jointly submitted recommendations and suggestions for List of Issues and Questions to the Pre-Sessional Working Group on Turkey.
In July 2016 – The Musawah Thematic Report on Turkey was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 64nd Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key issues concerning equal rights and responsibilities, early marriage and polygamy, divorce and violence against women.
In February 2022 – Musawah; the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA); the Uganda Association of Female Lawyers (FIDA Uganda); and the Islamic Women’s Initiative for Justice, Law and Peace (IWILAP) submitted a joint thematic report on Uganda to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 81st hybrid Session. Both IWILAP and SIHA delivered oral statements. Apart from highlighting key issues under Article 16, Musawah also brought attention to the issue of Qadhis courts and registration and regulation of Muslim marriages and divorce.
In May 2022, Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on the United Arab Emirates to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 82nd session.
In 2021, Musawah submitted recommendations and suggestions for List of Issues and Questions to the Pre-Sessional Working Group on UAE.
In November 2015 – The Musawah Thematic Report on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was submitted to the CEDAW Committee for review at its 62nd Session in Geneva, Switzerland. Musawah highlighted key issues concerning equal rights and responsibilities in marriage, male guardianship, early and child marriage, polygamy and temporary marriage, access to divorce, custody and guardianship of children, and the right to confer nationality. The Report was accompanied by an Oral Statement on UAE made on behalf of Musawah by IWRAW-AP.
In September 2021, Musawah submitted a Thematic Report on Yemen to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 80th session. This report examines Yemen’s legal framework and practices that enforce de jure and de facto discrimination against women in the following areas: child and forced marriage; violence against women; inheritance rights; and nationality rights. The report was drafted in conjunction with the International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, as well as substantive inputs from Yemeni activists.