Enabling action and impact through knowledge

Our resources are designed to empower, inform and support the ongoing movement for equality and justice in Muslim families and societies. Explore our different materials to gain insights, learn from expert analyses, and contribute to meaningful change.

Contact us if you would like to translate, adapt and disseminate any of our resources to fit your local communities.


Latest Resources

We publish a variety of resources including Knowledge Briefs, Policy Briefs, reports, and books.


Key Publications


for Justice

Global Repository of Muslim
Family Laws

This repository contains country overview tables outlining legislative frameworks, available case laws, policies, procedures and practices in 31 countries (and counting) based on 12 principal issues of concern we have identified. These resources were prepared in consultation with national advocates and experts and are still works-in-progress given the diverse and evolving nature of law reform globally

Positive Developments in Muslim
Family Laws

Musawah tracks positive developments in Muslim family laws globally according to the 12 principal areas of concern.



Shariʿah, Fiqh and State Laws

The boundaries between some key terms such as Shariʿah, fiqh and Islamic law are often blurred and confused in everyday language. This confusion contributes to gender inequality in modern family laws in ways that are detrimental to women. Attempts to reform state laws in the direction of justice and equality for women have been opposed by those who perceive them as going against Shariʿah. This video highlights why it is essential to distinguish between these terms in order to set the divine and eternal apart from the human and temporal.


Justice and Beauty 
in the Muslim Family

A holistic exploration of how Muslim marriages can be grounded in equality, justice and mutual well-being, produced through a partnership with 17 authors.


Explore our
areas of work

Visit the Campaign for Justice site

Supporting the work of national advocates​

Facilitating and creating access to knowledge about women’s rights in Islam.

Strengthening our sense of community and common purpose with training and outreach calls for advocates.

Amplifying Muslim women’s voices and engagement at the regional and international levels.

Raising the visibility of our work and advocates' actions , and expanding public discourse.