Musawah, Sisters in Islam & Association of Women Lawyers CEDAW Joint Thematic Report on Malaysia (2024)

Musawah, Sisters in Islam & Association of Women Lawyers submitted a Thematic Report on Malaysia to the CEDAW Committee for review during the 88th session in May 2024. This report examines Malaysia’s law, policy and practice that enforces de jure and de facto discrimination against women in families.
A Report on Malaysia’s Progress and Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 5.1.1

Musawah collaborated with Sisters in Islam on a research project to commission a report to raise awareness of where Malaysia currently stands in its efforts to eliminate discrimination against women and to achieve gender equality in areas such as marriage, family, and workplaces. The report provides an assessment of Malaysia’s commitment towards meeting Goal 5: […]
Survey Findings on the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women Living Under Discriminatory Muslim Family Laws

This paper, ‘Survey Findings on the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women Living Under Discriminatory Muslim Family Laws,’ is intended to better understand the gendered impacts of COVID-19, specifically how COVID-19 interacts with discriminatory Muslim family laws and the challenges faced by Muslim women who are subject to those laws. It is based on […]
Comparative Legal Review of the Impact of Muslim Family Laws on Women Across Commonwealth Asia and Africa

The “Comparative Legal Review of the Impact of Muslim Family Laws on Women Across Commonwealth Asia and Africa” report, commissioned by Sisters For Change and authored by Musawah, provides a comprehensive legal review of Muslim family laws across Commonwealth Asia and Africa, analysing the nature and extent to which they discriminate against Muslim women and […]
Country Table – Malaysia

In 2016, Musawah began compiling country tables containing an overview of legislative frameworks, available case law, policies, procedures and practices in the 12 principal areas of concern relating to Muslim family laws. Law reforms in multiple Muslim contexts proves that these laws are based on fiqh and thus not divine or unchangeable, and so must be reformed to address concerns and realities of people living today.
Musawah & Sisters in Islam Joint Thematic Report on Malaysia (2018)

Sisters in Islam (SIS), a national NGO working towards equality and justice for women within the Malaysian Islamic legal framework, together with Musawah, the global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family, jointly submit this shadow report for consideration by the CEDAW Committee in its review of the Government of Malaysia, reporting before the 69th Session of the CEDAW Committee in February 2018.
Musawah & Sisters in Islam Joint Oral Statement on Malaysia (2018)
Sisters in Islam and Musawah note that there has been no progress towards implementation of CEDAW Committee recommendations on reform of Islamic family laws, following the last review.
حقائق من الداخل: تقرير عالمي عن المساواة في الأسرة المسلمة

جمع “حقائق من الداخل” تقارير مقدمة من منظمات وناشطات على المستوى الوطني من 30 دولة، ليقدم بذلك خلفية معلوماتية عن قوانين الأسرة وممارساتها في تلك البلدان، بما في ذلك تفاصيل أسباب كون المساواة في الأسرة ضرورية والفرص المتاحة لجعل المساواة في الأسرة ممكنة The ‘Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim […]
Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family

The ‘Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family‘ report, based on information provided by national groups, shows why equality in Muslim family laws is necessary and why it is possible in 30 countries. ‘Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family‘ is available in ENGLISH and ARABIC. Countries […]
Compilation of Resources Related to Women’s Rights in Muslim Family Laws

The Compilation of Resources outlines and brings together resources from Musawah’s holistic framework – Islamic teachings, universal human rights, national and constitutional guarantees of equality, and the lived realities of women and men – broken down according to specific topics related to women’s rights in Muslim family laws. Over the past two decades, research and […]
Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts

‘Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives: Male Authority in Muslim Contexts’ is a global report with stories and findings from the Global Life Stories Project, in which teams from nine countries (Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom) documented 55 Muslim women’s life stories to better understand their experiences with qiwamah and wilayah. […]