Challenging Norms and Advancing Equality at Women Deliver: Family Law Is a Crucial Feminist Issue
“I’m all of it at the same time. If I’m a believer, I’m secular enough. If I’m a Muslim, I’m Indian enough. I don’t have to prove my Indianness or my Muslimness to anybody. There is no contradiction in me being a Muslim and me being an Indian, and me believing in the Quran and […]
ماذا قدمت حملة “نحو قوانين أكثر عدالة” خلال عام من العمل؟؟
في العام الماضي، قامت مساواة بتدشين حملة نحو قوانين أكثر عدالة للأسرة المسلمة، والذي كان مقررًا تدشينه في مارس خلال فعاليات CSW، وذلك للتأكيد على ضرورة تعديل القوانين التمييزية. فلقد كشف وباء الكورونا الحالي عن عدة جوانب في قوانين الأسرة المسلمة، تشكل تهديدًا لحقوق النساء، وأمنهن، وظروفهن المعيشية؛ مما يؤكد أن المساواة داخل الأسرة، جزء لا يتجزأ من المساواة في المجتمع ككل
Take a Look Back at the First Year of the Campaign for Justice in Muslim Family Laws
On 15 May 2021, we’re celebrating our first anniversary of launching the Campaign for Justice (CFJ) in Muslim Family Laws! Through the raging pandemic, the CFJ team at Musawah, with the support of our advocates, hit a great many milestones in amplifying advocacy online: holding webinars and a digital Global Conference week, to churning out key knowledge resources. Check out this look back on the CFJ!
WEBINAR: Muslim Women Creating New Futures: The Campaign for Justice in Muslim Family Laws
In this webinar, titled “Muslim Women Creating New Futures: The Campaign for Justice in Muslim Family Laws,” speakers Zainah Anwar, Marwa Sharafeldin, and Hala Al-Karib, with moderator Salomé Gómez-Upegui, discuss the work of Muslim women activists campaigning for egalitarian reform in Muslim family laws across Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
WEBINAR: Indian Muslim Women’s Movement: For Gender Justice and Equal Citizenship
In this webinar, Zakia Soman and Dr. Noorjehan Safia Niaz, co-founders of Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) and co-authors of “Indian Muslim Women’s Movement: For Gender Justice and Equal Citizenship,” will discuss their pioneering activism for equal rights and equal citizenship of Muslim women in India, advocacy strategies, challenges of advocating women’s rights in a Muslim minority context, and linkages with Muslim women’s movements across the globe. Moderated by Alex McCarthy of Musawah, and co-hosted by Harvard Law School’s Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World and Musawah.
WEBINAR: Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now? Regional Perspectives
In this webinar, we will unpack the urgency of reforming discriminatory Muslim family laws in three regions: South and Southeast Asia, Middle East-North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Featuring Hala Al-Karib, Marwa Sharafeldin and Zainah Anwar, moderated by Hyshyama Hamin.
Movement building for reform during COVID-19
As discussions open up and research is done on the gendered impacts of this pandemic, the findings will yet offer further evidence that, without equality in the home, women bear the consequences not just in their private lives, but also their public lives. This pandemic is making the case for reform of discriminatory laws and practices even more urgent.