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حملة #قانون_أسرة_عادل هي حملة أطلقتها مؤسسة قضايا المرأة المصرية ومؤسسة المرأة والذاكرة في مارس ٢٠٢٢م للمطالبة بتعديل قوانين الأحوال الشخصية لتصبح أكثر عدلًا وإنصافًا لجميع أفراد الأسرة. بدأت رحلة الحملة في شهر فبراير من عام ٢٠٢١م حين نشرت العديد من الصحف المصرية نسخة مسربة من مشروع قانون مقدم من الحكومة حول الأحوال الشخصية.
Indonesia has established a bill that is meant to protect its citizens from sexual violence. The bill is an effort to prevent various kinds of sexual violence. It aims to protect the survivors through recovery and enforcement of laws, and to ensure that there is no recurrence of sexual violence.
At the outset, I must say that my struggle for an equitable dissolution of my marriage is not unique. Many women around the world find themselves in the same, if not worse position as me. I was a 20-year-old student when I got married and continued to study during the first year of my marriage, while assisting my former husband in the family business.
With all this, it’s not hard to imagine that in many Muslim majority countries, women have had to take permission from their male guardians in order to go to work, run businesses, and even learn how to drive! Yes, as someone who lives in the UAE under the visa sponsorship of my father, I’ve had to get a ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) from him, which I then submitted to the driving institute.
Excerpt: This notion of two things being true at once certainly applies to Islamic feminism. Young Muslims should reclaim their identities against harmful stereotypes and aim to renegotiate this simplistic binary of Western “liberation” and Eastern “oppression”. At the same time, young Muslim activists should look introspectively at which aspects of their interpretations or legal institutions do more harm than good to citizens of the present context. This is the essence of more diversified forms of feminism and approaches to activism.