ماذا قدمت حملة “نحو قوانين أكثر عدالة” خلال عام من العمل؟؟
في العام الماضي، قامت مساواة بتدشين حملة نحو قوانين أكثر عدالة للأسرة المسلمة، والذي كان مقررًا تدشينه في مارس خلال فعاليات CSW، وذلك للتأكيد على ضرورة تعديل القوانين التمييزية. فلقد كشف وباء الكورونا الحالي عن عدة جوانب في قوانين الأسرة المسلمة، تشكل تهديدًا لحقوق النساء، وأمنهن، وظروفهن المعيشية؛ مما يؤكد أن المساواة داخل الأسرة، جزء لا يتجزأ من المساواة في المجتمع ككل
Take a Look Back at the First Year of the Campaign for Justice in Muslim Family Laws
On 15 May 2021, we’re celebrating our first anniversary of launching the Campaign for Justice (CFJ) in Muslim Family Laws! Through the raging pandemic, the CFJ team at Musawah, with the support of our advocates, hit a great many milestones in amplifying advocacy online: holding webinars and a digital Global Conference week, to churning out key knowledge resources. Check out this look back on the CFJ!
Birthday Throwback: Celebrating Musawah’s Beginnings
To celebrate Musawah’s 12th birthday this year, we are republishing this interview in which Musawah’s Programme Manager Suri Kempe discusses the beginnings of a global movement with the founding members and founding staff: Zainah Anwar, Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Rozana Isa and Jana Rumminger. The piece was originally written by Halima El Joundi for inclusion in Musawah Vision newsletter no. 22 in September 2017.
“God cannot be God if God is unjust” Nothing captures Musawah’s ethos like this statement by Zainah Anwar, its co-founder and Executive Director.
PODCAST: Reading the Qur’an for Ourselves: A Feminist Journey
In this Ramadan episode, we talk to Islamic feminist scholars Dr Omaima Abou Bakr’ and Dr. Mulki Al Sharmani about the different layers of meaning and their evolving relationships with the Qur’anic text.
Welcome to Musawah’s new blog
By Zainah Anwar. Welcome to the newly redesigned website for Musawah, and to our brand-new blog. As the executive director of Musawah, I’m thrilled to launch this platform to showcase the work of our Advocates, activists, feminist scholars, and human rights defenders who make up the Musawah movement and embody the changes we want to see in the world.