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Musawah Knowledge Building videos provide you with an accessible understanding of key concepts and ideas related to the Muslim legal tradition and family laws. Reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family
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Musawah Knowledge Building videos provide you with an accessible understanding of key concepts and ideas related to the Muslim legal tradition and family laws. Reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family
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Musawah Knowledge Building videos provide you with an accessible understanding of key concepts and ideas related to the Muslim legal tradition and family laws. The first video on “Shari’ah, Fiqh and State Laws” highlights
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Musawah Knowledge Building videos provide you with an accessible understanding of key concepts and ideas related to the Muslim legal tradition and family laws. The first video on “Shari’ah, Fiqh and State Laws” highlights
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هذا الفيديو يضم كلمة ألقتها زينة أنور، مؤسسة مساواة في أثناء حلقة دراسية وقعت يوم ٧ مارس، ٢٠١٥م بالتعاون مع مركز القانون الإسلامي والشرق الأوسط.
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Highlights from Musawah’s journey in fighting for justice and equality in the Muslim family, 2009-2015.
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Musawah (‘Equality’ in Arabic), a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family, was launched at a Global Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2009. This opening video documents why equality
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Musawah (‘Equality’ in Arabic), a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family, was launched at a Global Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2009. This opening video documents why equality
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